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Support consultancy

Sole creator of the revolutionary Radical Treatment of Psoriasis using the "Na.BERG Method"


Study experience in different medical techniques of the Kneipp method 

- Autogenic Training

- Homeopathy

- Homotoxicology

- Biological Stress Therapy
- Psychosomatic Medicine

- Pain therapy

- Maximal Preparation of the Athlete


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Inflammatory skin disease, characterized by erythematous patches covered by a silvery-white scaly layer, generally located on the elbows, knees, sacral region and scalp. Therapy. "Na.BERG method": conceived in 2004/2005, based on principles, all with maximal therapeutic effect only if implemented in an interactive way.
This Therapy is able to resolve this pathology, in an average time ranging between 8 and 12 months, if applied in all its principles.  



Homeopathy , and even more its modern clinical evolution , Homotoxicology , is the specific therapy of choice for chronic diseases . Today Science can no longer be considered within the so-called "Paradigm or Scientific Method", but within the "Biophysical or Complexity Paradigm": anything that cannot be investigated within these boundaries cannot be considered "scientific" : Homeopathy cannot be understood except within the "Paradigm of Complexity".​





Relaxation-desensitization technique, with which it is possible to obtain measurable psychophysical reactions, used above all for the treatment of anxiety, e.g.: tachycardias or cardiac arrhythmias, "essential" alterations in blood pressure, altered functionality of arteries or veins, bronchial asthma , nervous tension respiratory function disorders, acute panic attack, neurosis, psychic irritability, mental concentration disorders, character alterations, gastro-duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome or "colitis", anorexia nervosa, bulimia, hormonal alterations, sleep,  bruxism, stuttering, tics, phobias, neuro-asthenia, tensions from altered or inadequate postures.





In this specialty the term cure regains its truest meaning of "taking care of the person".

The specific method of Dr. Bergna deals with pain, from mild to severe, using a vast therapeutic method with both curative and preventive purposes: from Antalgic Mesotherapy  to Homeopathy and Homotoxicology, from Phytotherapy to Medical Fasting and the "anti-inflammatory" diet , from Massotherapy to Instrumental Physiotherapy, from Thermal Hydrokinesitherapy to various Relaxation Techniques.

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